Learn About Heroin Addiction Treatment

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Learn more about heroin addiction treatment at Lakeview Behavioral Health Hospital in Atlanta, GA

Struggling with a heroin addiction can leave you feeling as though life is hopeless; that you’ll never recover. At our treatment center near Atlanta, Georgia, we understand your feelings and are ready to help you begin your journey into sobriety. We employ an expert staff composed of physicians, therapists, psychiatrists, nurses, technicians, licensed clinicians, and support staff who are ready to guide you on your journey. From the moment you decide to enter our heroin addiction treatment center near Atlanta, Georgia, you’ll know that you’ve made the right decision.

Heroin, which is derived from morphine, is a very dangerous, illegal, and addictive drug. It is the most commonly abused drug in the opioid class. While certain opioids, like morphine, are used in the management of medical conditions, heroin is not. In order to increase profits, people who deal heroin on the streets often cut the pure heroin with a number of other substances to change the purity level. These substances can include benign materials like baby formula or sugar, or toxic substances like rat poison. These additives make it impossible for a heroin user to know exactly what they are using and can greatly increase the likelihood of adverse effects.

People become addicted to heroin for many different reasons. Maybe you tried it because you wanted to know how it felt or you wanted to be cool. Maybe you use heroin to cope with the symptoms of another mental health disorder or to be able to relax. At Lakeview, we understand that addiction isn’t a character defect, it’s the result of many underlying problems. We’re here to explore those problems with you and come up with solutions that allow you to regain your life.

Heroin is a downer that causes feelings of ecstasy and relaxation for people who abuse it. While it can be smoked or snorted, most people who abuse heroin do so by injecting the heated substance into a vein using a needle. This causes the most intense high, usually occurring within seconds after injection. As with most substances of abuse, the longer heroin is used, the greater the likelihood that an addiction or dependence upon heroin will develop, keeping a user returning for more and larger amounts of the drug. Heroin quickly becomes the center of the addict’s universe.

Your life does not have to revolve around heroin. At Lakeview, we know that you can live a happy, sober, and productive life. Through our scientifically supported heroin addiction treatment center, you’ll discover strengths hidden deep within you as our caring staff begins to unravel the reasons behind your addiction, any co-occurring disorders, and underlying problems you may face. We recognize that you’re more than your addiction and through our unwavering support, you will learn the tools you need to get clean. We’ll be beside you every step of the way.

It’s time to kick the heroin once and for all. Let us help you reclaim your life.
