Crystal Meth Addiction Facts, Statistics & Effects

Methamphetamine cristaux drogue

Crystal Meth Addiction Facts, Statistics & Effects

Crystal methamphetamine or crystal meth is a highly addictive drug that has been linked to violent crimes and other serious consequences.
The term “crystal” refers to the appearance of the substance, which is usually white or clear in color. Methamphetamine is an illegal stimulant that affects the brain by increasing levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.

Learn about the effects of this dangerous drug.

Crystal meth is often referred to as ice because it is made with crushed up cold medicine tablets. It is also known as crank, glass, snow, and speed. This drug is extremely addictive and can cause severe side effects such as psychosis, paranoia, hallucinations, aggression, insomnia, weight loss, and tremors.

What Is Crystal Methamphetamine?

Crystal methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant that was first synthesized in 1893 by German chemists. It is usually smoked, snorted, injected, or ingested through drinking alcohol mixed with the powder.

Why Do People Abuse Crystal Methamphetamine?

Crystal methamphetamine abuse is often associated with criminal activity, such as robbery, burglary, and assault. However, there are also many people who use crystal methamphetamine recreationally. These users typically report feeling euphoric, energetic, and having increased libido.

The Health Risks of Crystal Methamphetamine

Crystal methamphetamine abuse can lead to severe health issues, including liver damage, kidney failure, and brain damage. In addition, crystal methamphetamine abusers are at an elevated risk for HIV infection.

Crystal Meth Addiction Treatment(crystal meth addiction intervention crystal meth addiction treatment)

If you or someone you love suffers from crystal methamphetamine addiction, there are several treatment options available. These include outpatient rehab programs, residential rehab programs, intensive outpatient programs, and medication-assisted therapy.